Donald Trump

Donald Trump: Opposes Nationwide Marriage Equality
Donald Trump has been a consistent opponent of marriage equality. While he once said he supported protecting gays and lesbians from discrimination in the workplace by adding sexual orientation to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, more recently he expressed support for the so-called First Amendment Defense Act (FADA) which would expose LGBT people to more discrimination.

Marriage : Trump has been a consistent opponent of marriage equality. He said that he opposed it because he was a “traditional” guy, choosing to support domestic partnership benefits instead. Trump later reversed himself and said he also opposed civil unions. Despite a brief flirtation with “evolving” in 2013, Trump has consistently maintained his opposition to marriage equality, sometimes by citing polling and making an analogy to his dislike of long golf putters. After the Supreme Court ruling, Trump said the court had made its decision and, although he disagreed with the ruling, he did not support a constitutional amendment that would allow states to re-ban marriage equality. He later said he would appoint Supreme Court judges who would be committed to overturning the ruling.
Discrimination: Trump has a mixed record. He’s said that federal law should protect people from discrimination based on sexual orientation. He said the Civil Rights Act of 1964 should be amended to include sexual orientation, and he said there should be “no discrimination against gays.” He also disagreed with Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, who refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, then later said he never opposed her. But he has expressed support for the so-called First Amendment Defense Act (FADA) which would lead to more Kim Davis like discrimination.
Executive Order: Trump has said that he disagrees with President Obama’s use of executive orders, but has shown willingness to use them himself.
Conversion Therapy: Unclear
Adoption: Unclear
Anti-Bullying: Unclear
Harmful Rhetoric : Trump said that Pat Buchanan’s anti-LGBT rhetoric was disgusting, and he said that LGBT groups were glad he was hosting the Miss Universe pageant in Russia to challenge the status quo. But he launched ad hominem attacks on Ariana Huffington and Bette Midler, and he defended a CEO who resigned after opposing Proposition 8 and an NFL player who criticized Michael Sam.

Trump’s Notable Quotes on LGBT Equality
Trump Said He Would “Strongly Consider” Appointing Judges To Overturn Same-Sex Marriage Decision. Asked on Fox News Sunday “WALLACE: But -- but just to button this up very quickly, sir, are you saying that if you become president, you might try to appoint justices to overrule the decision on same-sex marriage?” TRUMP: “I would strongly consider that, yes.” [Fox News Sunday, 1/31/2016; VIDEO]

Trump Said “I Would Be Rescinding A Lot Of The Executive Orders [Obama’s] Done…The One Good About Executive Order, The New President, If He Comes In, Boom, First Day, First Hour, First Minute, You Can Rescind Them.” On Face The Nation, Trump was asked: “DICKERSON: “Let me ask you about executive orders in general. Like them, don't like them, that the president uses them to go around Congress?” TRUMP: Well, I don't like them. And our country wasn't based on executive orders. Nobody really knew that we even had an executive order, such a thing. It's supposed to be you get along with Congress, and you cajole, and you go back and forth, and everybody gets in a room and we end up with deals. And there's compromise on lots of other things, but you end up with deals. Here's a guy just goes -- he's given up on the process and he just goes and signs executive orders on everything. DICKERSON: “So, if you were president -- you seem like kind of guy if you were president you might use an executive order or two, though.” TRUMP: “Well, I will say this. There's lot of precedent, based on what he's doing. Now, some have been -- his executive order on the border, amazingly, the courts actually took that back a step and did something that was very surprising, which is, they did the right thing, so that maybe that one -- but I would be rescinding a lot of executive orders that he's done. He just -- the one good about executive order, the new president, if he comes in, boom, first day, first hour, first minute, you can rescind them.” [CBS, Face The Nation, 1/3/2016; VIDEO]

Trump Said His First Priority If Elected Would Be To “Preserve And Protect Our Religious Liberty….We’re Going To Protect The First Amendment.” At the Iowa Faith and Family Coalition, Breitbart reported: “‘I will protect… because we’re not being protected,’ Trump said, referencing Christians and religious liberty. He said his first priority if elected President of the United States would be to ‘preserve and protect our religious liberty.’ ‘We’ll be fighting as part [of a] common core, and we’re going to protect totally the First Amendment,’ he vowed.” [, 9/19/2015; Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition, 9/19/2015]
Trump Compared Opposition To Same-Sex Marriage To Disliking Extra Long Putters In Golf. At one point, he compared his opposition to the legalization of same-sex marriage to his reluctance to use a new kind of putter. ‘It’s like in golf,’ he said. ‘A lot of people — I don’t want this to sound trivial — but a lot of people are switching to these really long putters, very unattractive,’ said Mr. Trump, a Republican. ‘It’s weird. You see these great players with these really long putters, because they can’t sink three-footers anymore. And, I hate it. I am a traditionalist. I have so many fabulous friends who happen to be gay, but I am a traditionalist.’” [New York Times, 5/2/2011 ]

Trump Supported Amending The Civil Rights Act To Include A Ban On Discrimination Based On Sexual Orientation. Asked by The Advocate about what Trump would do to combat anti-LGBT prejudice, Trump said “I like the idea of amending the Civil Rights Act to include a ban on discrimination based on sexual orientation. It would be simple. It would be straightforward. We don’t need to rewrite the laws currently on the books, although I do think we need to address hate-crimes legislation. But amending the Civil Rights Act would grant the same protection to gay people that we give to other Americans—it’s only fair. I actually suggested this first, and now I see [Democratic presidential candidate] Bill Bradley has jumped on the bandwagon and is claiming the idea as his own.” [The Advocate, 2/15/2000 ]

Trump on the Issues
Ban Harmful Conversion Therapy”:  Unclear
LGBT Adoption: Unclear

Significant Findings on Marriage Equality
Said he hasn’t given a lot of thought to marriage equality, then said he supported domestic partnerships instead of full marriage equality.
Defended Carrie Prejean, who said that she believed marriage was between a “man and a woman,” adding that 70 percent of Americans agreed with her.
Later said he did not support marriage equality or domestic partnership benefits.
Said a president should not be elected based on marriage equality because we have “other problems.”
Compared same-sex marriage to using extra-long putters in golf; cited polling as his reason for opposing marriage equality.
Said he thought he could be evolving, but has been for “traditional marriage” once, but never evolved.
Said hiring a gay person didn’t change his opinion on marriage equality.
Blamed Jeb Bush for Supreme Court decision that led to nationwide marriage equality.
Said Supreme Court had ruled on marriage equality, and he did not support a constitutional amendment that would allow states to re-ban marriage equality.

1999: Trump Said He HadnGiven Lots Of Thought To” Same-Sex Marriage And It Was Premature To Comment. Asked if he supported same-sex marriage by Tim Russert on Meet the Press, Trump said, “It's something I haven't given lots of thought to. I live in New York City. There's a tremendous movement on to have and allow gay marriage. It's just something that is too premature for me to comment on.” [Meet the Press, 10/24/1999; VIDEO]
Trump Said He Did Not Favor Same-Sex Marriage, But Did Support A Very Strong Domestic Partnership Law That Guarantees Gay People The Same Legal Protection And Rights As Married People.” Asked by The Advocate for his position on same-sex marriage, Trump said, “I think the institution of marriage should be between a man and a woman. I do favor a very strong domestic-partnership law that guarantees gay people the same legal protection and rights as married people. I think it’s important for gay couples who are committed to each other to not be hassled when it comes to inheritance, insurance benefits, and other simple everyday rights.” [The Advocate, 2/15/2000 ]
Trump Said of Carrie Prejean's Answer to Same-Sex Marriage QuestionIt Wasnt A Bad Answer, That Was Simply Her Belief” And She Did A Wonderful Job.” According to Fox News: “When asked by judge Perez Hilton, an openly gay blogger, whether she believed in gay marriage, Prejean said ‘We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite. And you know what, I think in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that's how I was raised.’…..But Trump defended Prejean as well, disagreeing with Perez Hilton's assertion that it was the worst answer in the history of the Miss USA pageant. ‘Miss California has done a wonderful job, that was her belief ... It wasn't a bad answer, that was simply her belief.’ Trump added that Prejean's question was ‘a bit unlucky,’ arguing that no matter how she answered the question ‘she was going to get killed.’” [Fox News, 4/24/2009 ]
Trump Said His Own Position On Same-Sex Marriage Was A Complicated Question” In Miss USA Same-Sex Marriage Controversy. The Today Show reported: “In a question-and-answer session following Prejean’s address at the press conference, Trump dodged questions about his own stand on same-sex marriage, calling it ‘a complicated question.’ But of Hilton, the Trump said he’d ‘love to have him back’ as a pageant judge.” [Today Show, 5/12/2009 ]
Trump Said Carrie Prejeans Answer On Opposite Marriage Wasnt A Horrible Answer” BecauseThats The Belief Of 70 Percent Of The People.” ABC reported : “On ‘The View,’ Trump says Prejean's answer to the question of gay marriage posed during the Miss USA pageant was not so far off base. ‘That's the belief of 70 percent of the people, so it wasn't a horrible answer,’ he says. ‘That was her belief and she's taken hard hits. She's more famous because of it. No one is talking about the young woman who won. Nobody knows who she is.’” [ABC News, 6/10/2009 ; ABC, The View, 5/5/2009 ; VIDEO]
Trump Said, New York Is A Place With Lots Of Gays And I Think Its Great, But I’m Not In Favor Of Gay Marriage.” In an interview with Fox News in February 2011, Trump said he did not favor gay marriage, and he was in line with most conservative principles. ‘I’m just not in favor of gay marriage. I live in New York. New York is a place with lots of gays, and I think it's great. But I'm not in favor of gay marriage,’ Trump said in the Fox News interview.” [Fox and Friends, 2/14/2011 ; VIDEO]
2011: Trump Said Same-Sex Couples Should Not Be Able To Marry” But Was Unsure On Benefits.According to the Des Moines Register: “Asked whether he supports allowing same-sex couples to marry, Trump said no. Iowa conservatives have overwhelmingly opposed the 2009 Iowa Supreme Court decision overturning the state’s ban on gay marriage. ‘They should not be able to marry,’ he said. But asked whether gay couples should be able access the same benefits as married couples, he said his ‘attitude on it has not been fully formed.’ Given a second to think, Trump said on marriage and civil benefits, ‘As of this moment, I would say no and no.’” [Des Moines Register, 3/3/2011 ]
Trump Said He Did Not Think A President Should Be Elected On Their Same-Sex Marriage Position Because We Have Other Problems,” But He Remained Opposed. Bill O’Reilly asked Trump about his opposition to same-sex marriage, saying, “They say, the gays, that this violates their rights, that they are American citizens and they should have a right to live the same way heterosexuals live, and you say?” Trump responded, “Well, I think it's a tough situation, and I'll tell you what I say. I say that we have other problems. We have other problems in this country. And I don't think a president should be elected on gay marriage or not gay marriage because we have some very big problems. Based on everything I see, Obama, who said basically the same thing as I do, I think he is going to come out in favor of gay marriage.” O’Reilly said, “Yes, he will. But you remain opposed” Trump said, “I am opposed, yes.” [Fox News, O’Reilly Factor, 3/30/2011 ]
Trump Said He Was Against Same-Sex Marriage Because I Just Dont Feel Good About It.” Asked by Bill O’Reilly if he supported same-sex marriage, Trump said, “I'm against it…..I just don't feel good about it. I don't feel right about it. I'm against it and I take a lot of heat because I come from New York. You know, for New York it's like, how can you be against gay marriage? But I'm opposed to gay marriage.’” [Fox News, O’Reilly Factor, 3/30/2011 ]
Trump Said He Had Not Totally Formed My Opinion” On Civil Unions, But Took A Lot Of HeatFor His Opposition To Same-Sex Marriage. In an interview with the Brody File, Trump was asked about his support of civil unions. Trump responded, “Well civil unions, look. First of all, I live in New York. I know many, many gay people. Tremendous people. And to be honest with you, as far as civil unions are concerned, I haven't totally formed my opinion. But there can be no discrimination against gays. I'm against gay marriage; I took a lot of heat for that.” [CBN, The Brody File, 4/12/2011 ; VIDEO]
Trump Compared Opposition To Same-Sex Marriage To Disliking Extra Long Putters In Golf. At one point, he compared his opposition to the legalization of same-sex marriage to his reluctance to use a new kind of putter. ‘It’s like in golf,’ he said. ‘A lot of people — I don’t want this to sound trivial — but a lot of people are switching to these really long putters, very unattractive,’ said Mr. Trump, a Republican. ‘It’s weird. You see these great players with these really long putters, because they can’t sink three-footers anymore. And, I hate it. I am a traditionalist. I have so many fabulous friends who happen to be gay, but I am a traditionalist.’” [New York Times, 5/2/2011 ]
Trumps Son Said There Were Other Things Trump Cared About Before Marriage Equality And ThatThe Shame Of Being A Conservative” Is That You Have To Take Far-Right Positions In The Primary. The Advocate reported: “Trump Jr. also confirms that his conservative billionaire father, who hosts Celebrity Apprentice , has met with fired contestant, out actor George Takei to discuss the marriage equality and the meeting was filmed. He also attempts to clarify his father's stance on the issue. ‘In terms of my father’s political views in the grand scheme of things there's other things he'd be concerned about first, given the state of the world and our economy,’ Trump Jr. says. ‘I think part of it, and perhaps the shame of being a conservative, is you almost have to have those kind of stances to win any kind of primary. And then you have to sell out and become a moderate in the middle, just like you have to do if you're on the liberal side of the political spectrum.’” [The Advocate, 3/14/2012 ]
Trump Said Same-Sex Marriage Was Not My Thing One Way Or The Other.” The Republican businessman, who flirted with the idea of running for the GOP presidential candidate nomination last year, called into Howard Stern's Sirius XM show on Wednesday and revealed that marriage equality is not The Donald's thing. ‘Donald, go on the record,’ says Stern. ‘You're for gay marriage.’ ‘he Republican ’ responds Trump, surprising both Stern and his co-host Robin Quivers. He continues, ‘It's never been an argument that's been discussed with me very much. People know that it's not my thing one way or the other.’” [Huffington Post, 2/7/2013 ; Howard Stern Show, 2/6/2013; AUDIO]
Trump Refused To Endorse Same-Sex Marriage When Pushed By Howard Stern And Responded With Poll Figures When Asked About His Opposition . According to Mediaite: “Moving on to Trump’s ‘anti-gay marriage’ position, Stern said, ‘If I was alone in a room with you, and you and I were just having a drink, I don’t think you care about gay marriage. I think you’re all for it. I know you. You’re for people being happy.’ After discussing their mutual friend George Takei‘s homosexual relationship, Stern demanded Trump ‘go on the record’ and come out for gay marriage. Trump refused. When Quivers asked him how gay marriage affects the overall institution, Trump wavered, mostly responding with poll figures and overtures to how ‘public opinion is changing.’” [Mediaite, 2/13/2013 ; Howard Stern Show, 2/6/2013; AUDIO ]
Trump Said I Think Im Evolving, And I Think Im A Very Fair Person, But I Have Been For Traditional Marriage.” Today reported: “Trump said the issue [same-sex marriage] is one that’s rapidly evolving. ‘I think really what you have is a very changing stance, and you see if changing very rapidly. If you go back ten years ago it’s very different,’ Trump said. When asked about his own evolution, Trump echoed a sentiment he’s said in the past, saying, ‘I think I’m evolving, and I think I’m a very fair person, but I have been for traditional marriage...I am for traditional marriage, I am for a marriage between a man and a woman.’” [NBC, Today, 11/9/2013 ]
Trump Hiring LGBT Announcer For Miss Universe Pageant In Russia Did Not Change Trumps Opposition To Marriage Equality. “MSNBC anchor and newly-hired Miss Universe co-host Thomas Roberts had a chat Friday with pageant owner Donald Trump about the event being held in Russia, which has been under fire for its anti-gay laws. Trump has been outspoken in his opposition to marriage equality in the U.S., but has hired an openly gay man who got married to his longtime partner just last year. Roberts asked Trump: ‘In offering me this assignment … you are professionally flying in the face of these laws and you are agreeing that LGBT people are integrated and equal members of society, so does that change any of your prior public stances on marriage equality here in the US?’ Trump replied: ‘No, it doesn’t change.’” [Gaystar News, 10/19/2013 ; MSNBC 10/18/2013]
Trump Said, I Am Very Much For Traditional Marriage.” Asked for his view on same-sex marriage by Sean Hannity, Trump said, “I am traditional. I am for traditional, and it’s a changing format, but I am very much for traditional marriage.” [Fox News, Hannity 6/18/2015 ; VIDEO]
Trump Said Marriage Equality Supreme Court Decision Was Another Example Of The Bush Appointed Supreme Court Justice John Roberts Letting Us Down.” Politico reported that after the Supreme Court decision bringing marriage equality nationwide, “Donald Trump, meanwhile, called it another example of ‘the Bush-appointed Supreme Court Justice John Roberts’ letting ‘us down.’ ‘Jeb pushed him hard! Remember!’ he tweeted.” [Politico, 6/26/2015 ]
When Asked To Reconcile Support For Traditional Marriage” With Trumps Multiple Marriages, Trump Conceded The Point, But Said, I Have A Good Wife Now.” According to CNN, “The real estate mogul revisited his socially conservative views on abortion and marriage with awareness that they are difficult for many to understand given his personal history. ‘I'm (for) traditional marriage,’ he said. When asked how Trump reconciles the notion of ‘traditional marriage’ with his personal history of being married three times and divorced twice, Trump conceded the point. ‘I have a good wife now,’ Trump said. ‘My (first) two wives were very good. And I don't blame them, but I was working ... 22 hours a day.’" [CNN, State of the Union, 6/28/2015 ]
George Takei Said Trump Told Him He Was For Traditional Marriage” Right After Coming From Attending A Same-Sex Wedding. George Takei says he once had a fascinating conversation about gay marriage with Donald Trump and on Monday, the Star Trek legend recounted the details to MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell. ‘I challenged him to have lunch with me so that we can discuss marriage equality,’ he recalled of a Celebrity Apprentice press conference two years ago. ‘He did accept, and we had that lunch. When I again met him, he said, 'You know what, George? I just came from a gay marriage' — he had come from a wedding of a very important Broadway personality, Jordan Roth [who wed producer Richie Jackson]. ... He told me, 'They're good friends of mine. It was a beautiful marriage. They're wonderful friends.’’ Yet when Takei asked Trump why he can't then support same-sex marriage, especially if he attends them, ‘he said, 'Well, I'm for traditional marriage,' and we had a long discussion over lunch. We finally agreed to disagree — he was for traditional marriage, despite the fact that he'd been married three times. That is not traditional.’” [Hollywood Reporter, 6/30/2015 ; MSNBC, Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell, 6/29/2015; VIDEO]
Trump Blamed Jeb Bush For John Roberts Supreme Court Appointment, Which Led To Decisions Such As Marriage Equality And Upholding The Affordable Care Act. Trump said about the Supreme Court decision regarding marriage equality: “Look, it's an issue that been determined by the Supreme Court. And frankly, you know, I'm about jobs; I'm about making the country great. I would have liked to have seen the decision differently. And you have another decision, ObamaCare, which is a disaster given to us by John Roberts, who was appointed by Bush, who was pushed by Jeb Bush. Jeb Bush is the one that pushed John Roberts into that position. And when I look at even the most militant on the whole gay rights decision, the most militant people are saying there's nothing you can do. Because they're talking about constitutional amendments and then they go on to say that that could never happen. So, at a certain point you have to be realistic about it.” [Fox News, Media Buzz, 7/5/2015 ; VIDEO]
Trump Rejected Constitutional Amendment, Said Supreme Court Decided On Marriage Equality, And Theres Nothing You Can Do.” On Fox News, Trump said, “A couple are out there very firmly that we're going to fight [the Supreme Court decision on marriage equality], we're going to this and that. I would have preferred certainly if it were made by the states, the decision, I thought maybe that's what would have happened, you'll never knew it's like a 50-50 call….. Look, it's an issue that been determined by the Supreme Court. And frankly, you know, I'm about jobs; I'm about making the country great. I would have liked to have seen the decision differently…. And when I look at even the most militant on the whole gay rights decision, the most militant people are saying there's nothing you can do. Because they're talking about constitutional amendments and then they go on to say that that could never happen. So, at a certain point you have to be realistic about it.” [Fox News, Media Buzz, 7/5/2015 ; VIDEO]
Trump Said He Would Have Preferred If Supreme Court Had Allowed States To Make Decision On Marriage Equality, But It's Been Determined By The Supreme Court. In an interview on Fox News, Trump was asked, “Every other Republican presidential candidate has criticized the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage….You said the court overreached and you can't let it go with that and I think you were sending a message of tolerance.” Trump responded: “Well, it could be tolerance it could also like, you know, we have a lot of problems in this country, we have to get back to work. I would have preferred states, you know, making the decision, and I let that be known. But they made the decision. And, you know, most of the candidates I think have said, they did make the decision…. I would have preferred certainly if it were made by the states, the decision, I thought maybe that's what would have happened, you'll never knew it's like a 50-50 call….. Look, it's an issue that been determined by the Supreme Court.” [Fox News, Media Buzz, 7/5/2015 ; VIDEO]
Trump Said He Would Tell A Gay Grandchild Well, Its The Way It IsI Have Been Against [Same-Sex Marriage] From The Standpoint Of The Bible” But He Would Still Love And Cherish Them.When asked by Bloomberg News how would he explain his stance against same-sex marriage to a gay grandchild, Trump responded, ‘Well, it's the way it is,’ Trump said Wednesday during a Bloomberg interview with Mark Halperin and John Heilemann. ‘I wouldn’t speak to them at all about it other than they are who they are, and I want them to be happy and I will love them and I will cherish them.’….‘I’ve gone to gay weddings. I’ve been at gay weddings,’ said Trump. ‘I have been against [same-sex marriage] from the standpoint of the Bible, from the standpoint of my teachings as growing up and going to Sunday school and going to church, and I’ve been opposed to it, and we’ll just see how it all comes out. But, you know, if I was ever in that position I'd just have to explain it.’” [Huffington Post, 8/27/2015 ; Bloomberg, 8/26/2015; VIDEO]
Donald Trump Said Overturning Marriage Equality With An Amendment Is “Not Going To Happen…So Anybody That’s Making That An Issue Is Doing It For Political Reasons.  Asked by the Hollywood Reporter if same-sex marriage was a “dead issue” following the Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell, Trump said: “Some people have hopes of passing amendments, but it's not going to happen. Congress can't pass simple things, let alone that. So anybody that's making that an issue is doing it for political reasons. The Supreme Court ruled on it. “[Hollywood Reporter, 8/28/2015]
Trump Said “We Have Some Terrible Supreme Court Justices” And That Marriage Equality Should Have Been A “State’s Right Issue” But That It Is The Law Of The Land. CBN reported that “Speaking of the law, Trump says he disagrees with the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage. ‘We have some very terrible Supreme Court justices, and frankly, they should have at least had that [same-sex marriage case] as a state's right issue,’ he told CBN News. Trump does, however, consider gay marriage the law of the land and that puts him at odds with some of his evangelical rivals.” [CBN, The Brody File,10/2/2015; VIDEO]
Trump Praised Elton John’s Wedding, Calling It “A Marriage That’s Going To Work” And “If Two People Dig Each Other, They Dig Each Other.” In a blog post for Trump University, Trump said: “There’s a lot to celebrate this holiday season. Elton Johb married his long-time partner David Furnish on December 21. That’s the first day that civil partnerships between gay couples became legal in England under the new Civil Partnerships Act…I know both of them and they get along wonderfully. It’s a marriage that’s going to work……In any event, I’m very happy for them. If two people dig each other, they dig each other. Good luck, Elton. Good luck, David. Have a great life.” [Trump University Blog, 12/22/2005; Buzzfeed, 11/24/2015]

Trump Said Clarence Thomas Was His Favorite Supreme Court Justice Because He Was “Strong And Consistent.” According to the Associated Press, “Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump calls the Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts ‘disgraceful’ and a ‘disappointment’ to conservatives. The billionaire businessman cites Associate Justice Clarence Thomas as his favorite member of the court. Trump says Thomas is ‘very strong and consistent.’ Trump made his remarks Saturday at a forum.” [Associated Press, 12/12/2015]
Trump Said He Would “Strongly Consider” Appointing Judges To Overturn Same-Sex Marriage Decision. Asked on Fox News Sunday “WALLACE: But -- but just to button this up very quickly, sir, are you saying that if you become president, you might try to appoint justices to overrule the decision on same-sex marriage?” TRUMP: “I would strongly consider that, yes.” [Fox News Sunday, 1/31/2016; VIDEO]

Trump Said He Disagreed With Marriage Equality Ruling Because It Was A States Rights Issue And “If I’m Elected, I Would Be Very Strong Putting Certain Judges On The Bench That I Think Maybe Could Change Things.” Asked on Fox News Sunday about whether it was time to move on from marriage equality, Trump said: “No, I'm saying this.  It has been ruled up.  It has been there.  If I'm a, you know, if I'm elected, I would be very strong on putting certain judges on the bench that I think maybe could change things. But they've got a long way to go.  I mean at some point, we have to get back down to business.  But there’s no question about it.  I mean most -- and most people feel this way.   They have ruled on it.  I wish that it was done by the state.  I don't like the way they ruled.  I disagree with the Supreme Court from the standpoint they should have given the state -- it should be a states' rights issue.  And that's the way it should have been ruled on, Chris, not the way they did it. This is a very surprising ruling.  And I -- I can see changes coming down the line, frankly.  But I would have much preferred that they ruled at a state level and allowed the states to make those rulings themselves.” “WALLACE: But -- but just to button this up very quickly, sir, are you saying that if you become president, you might try to appoint justices to overrule the decision on same-sex marriage?” TRUMP: “I would strongly consider that, yes.” [Fox News Sunday, 1/31/2016; VIDEO]

Trump Said You Can Look  For Forward Motion On Equality For Gays And Lesbians Because “That’s Your Thing And Other People Have Their Thing. We Have To Bring All People Together.”Asked by a self-identified lesbian reporter for the New England Cable Channel, “When President Trump is in office, can we look for more forward motion on equality for gays and lesbians?” Trump said: “Well, you can. And, you know, again, we're going to bring people together. And that's your thing and other people have their thing. We have to bring all people together. And if we don't, we're not going to have a country anymore.” [New England Cable Network, 2/4/2016; VIDEO]
Trump Said He “Understood” Why Gays And Lesbians Would Consider Trump’s Preference For Judges Opposed To Obergefell Decision Divisive But That “It’s A Long Way Off.”  Asked how his preference for judges who stand against Obergefell decision moved things forward for gays and lesbians, Trump responded: “Well, I think what will happen is -- and, look, George, it's very simple. We're going to bring our country together. We're going to unify our country. We're going to do whatever we have to do. I'm going to put the absolute bed -- best judges in position. If their views -- we're going to see what their views are. I will make the determination at that time.”STEPHANOPOULOS: But what do you say to gays and lesbians who think that overturning that decision is not unifying our country, it's dividing our country? TRUMP: “Well, I think I understand what they're saying and we're going to see what happens. It's a long way off, George. It's a long way off.” [ABC, This Week, 2/7/2016; VIDEO]
Trump Said He Preferred Justices That Stood Against Obergefell Decision After Repeatedly Avoiding Answering Question. Asked repeatedly to state whether or not he would appoint justices that would overturn Obergefell, Trump repeatedly avoided answering before saying he preferred they stand against the decision. “STEPHANOPOULOS: But just last Sunday, you said you would strongly consider appointing justices who would overturn [Obergefell]. TRUMP: I'm talking about bringing people together and we -- I would appoint justices. It would take a long time, frankly, because I don't know how long it would take to appoint a... STEPHANOPOULOS: But you want them to overturn... that Supreme Court decision? TRUMP: If they -- if they -- I would appoint them and we will see how they will vote but I would...STEPHANOPOULOS: But how does that move us to equality? TRUMP: We'll find out. I mean we're going to find out. There's a lot of people that want to see that. But I would, I'd -- more important than anything else to me, this country is so divided right now, as per her question. This country is so totally divided, it's probably almost never been as divided as it is right now and we have to bring it together. STEPHANOPOULOS: But a majority of Americans now support the idea of gay marriage. Wouldn't it be divisive to try to overturn it? TRUMP: It has -- it has really been determined and we will see what happens. We're going to look at judges. They've got to be great judges. They've got to be conservative judges. We're going to see how they stand depending on -- on what their views are. But that would be my preference.STEPHANOPOULOS: See, that's what I mean. Where do you want them to stand? TRUMP: I would prefer that they stand against it, but we'll see what happens. It depends on the judge.”  [ABC, This Week, 2/7/2016; VIDEO]
Trump Called Cruz A Liar For Saying Trump Supported Same-Sex Marriage. Trump tweeted: “Lying Cruz put out a statement, “Trump & Rubio are w/Obama on gay marriage." Cruz is the worst liar, crazy or very dishonest. Perhaps all 3?” [Twitter, @realDonaldTrump, 2/11/2016]

Trump Cited Diane Sykes And Bill Pryor As Justices He Might Nominate But That He Hoped The Senate Would Prevent Obama From Nominating Someone. Asked if President Obama should nominate a replacement for Scalia, Trump said: “Well, I can say this. If the President, and if I were President now I would certainly want to try and nominate a justice. I'm sure that, frankly, I'm absolutely sure that President Obama will try and do it. I hope that our Senate is going to be able -- Mitch, and the entire group, is going to be able to do something about it. In times of delay, we could have a Diane Sykes, or you could have a Bill Pryor, we have some fantastic people. But this is a tremendous blow to conservatism. It's a tremendous blow, frankly to our country.” [CBS Republican Debate, Greenville, SC,2/13/2016; VIDEO]
Trump Said Regardless Of Whether Obama Nominated A Replacement For Scalia, It’s Up To McConnell And “It’s Called Delay, Delay, Delay.” Asked if President Obama should nominate a replacement for Scalia, Trump said: “Well, I can say this. If the President, and if I were President now I would certainly want to try and nominate a justice. I'm sure that, frankly, I'm absolutely sure that President Obama will try and do it. I hope that our Senate is going to be able -- Mitch, and the entire group, is going to be able to do something about it. In times of delay, we could have a Diane Sykes, or you could have a Bill Pryor, we have some fantastic people. But this is a tremendous blow to conservatism. It's a tremendous blow, frankly to our country.” DICKERSON: “So, just to be clear on this Mr. Trump, you're OK with the President nominating somebody...” “I think he's going to do it whether or I'm OK with it or not. I think it's up to Mitch McConnell, and everybody else to stop it. It's called delay, delay, delay.” [CBS Republican Debate, Greenville, SC, 2/13/2016; VIDEO]
Trump Said Diane Sykes Was A “Very Good” Judge That Trump Would Consider To Replace Antonin Scalia On The Supreme Court. Asked about replacements for Scalia, Trump said: “Somebody like a Diane Sikes [sic] from Wisconsin I think would be very good. There’s some great people out there. But my sister obviously would not be the right person; it’s a conflict of interest for me.” [ABC This Week,2/14/2016; VIDEO]
Trump Said That Evangelicals “Can Trust Me On Traditional Marriage. I Was Very Much In Favor Of Having The Court Rule That It Goes To States And Let The States Decide.” In an interview with the Brody File, asked if evangelicals could trust him on “traditional marriage,” Trump said: “I think they can trust me. They can trust me on traditional marriage. I was very much in favor of having the court rule that it goes to states and let the states decide. And that was a shocking decision for you and for me and for a lot of other people. But I was very much in favor of letting the states decide. And that’s the way it looked like it was going and then all the sudden out of nowhere came this very massive decision and they took it away. But I was always in favor of states rights, states deciding many issues, not just this, but many issues.” [CBN, The Brody File, 2/18/2016VIDEO]
Significant Findings on Discrimination Protections for LGBT Americans
Said that Civil Rights Act of 1964 should be amended to include sexual orientation.
Said he did not care about whether his employees were LGBT or not.
Said that he did not support marriage benefits, but did not think there should be discrimination against LGBT people.
Disagreed with Kentucky clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Trump Supported Amending The Civil Rights Act To Include A Ban On Discrimination Based On Sexual Orientation. Asked by The Advocate about what Trump would do to combat anti-LGBT prejudice, Trump said, “I like the idea of amending the Civil Rights Act to include a ban on discrimination based on sexual orientation. It would be simple. It would be straightforward. We don’t need to rewrite the laws currently on the books, although I do think we need to address hate-crimes legislation. But amending the Civil Rights Act would grant the same protection to gay people that we give to other Americans—it’s only fair. I actually suggested this first, and now I see [Democratic presidential candidate] Bill Bradley has jumped on the bandwagon and is claiming the idea as his own.” [The Advocate, 2/15/2000 ]
Trump Said He Did Not Care Whether His Employees Were Out Or In The Closet And That It Was Up To Them To Choose. Asked by The Advocate whether Trump’s employees were allowed to be out, Trump said, “Everyone makes a personal choice. Look, it just doesn’t matter to me. I try to treat everybody equally and fairly. Maybe that’s why I can count men like Muhammad Ali, Joe Frazier, and Sammy Sosa as my friends. When you hang with people who are different from you, you get an appreciation for other cultures.” [The Advocate, 2/15/2000 ]
Trump Said Sexual Orientation Would Be Meaningless” In A Trump Administration Because I Would Want The Best And The Brightest” Regardless Of Orientation. Asked if Trump would include LGBT people in his administration, Trump said, “I would want the best and the brightest. Sexual orientation would be meaningless. I’m looking for brains and experience. If the best person for the job happens to be gay, I would certainly appoint them. One of the key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace, good people don’t go into government. I’d want to change that.” [The Advocate, 2/15/2000 ]
Trump Said, In All Truth, I Dont Care Whether Or Not A Person Is Gay. I Judge People Based On Their Capability, Honesty, and Merit.” Asked why LGBT people should support a potential Trump candidacy, Trump said, “I grew up in New York City, a town with different races, religions, and peoples. It breeds tolerance. In all truth, I don’t care whether or not a person is gay. I judge people based on their capability, honesty, and merit. Being in the entertainment business—that is, owning casinos and…several large beauty pageants—I’ve worked with many gay people. I have met some tough, talented, capable, terrific people. Their lifestyle is of no interest to me.” [The Advocate, 2/15/2000 ]
2000: Trump Called For An America Unencumbered By Discrimination Based On Sexual Orientation. Huffington Post reported: “In his 2000 political manifesto, ‘The America That We Deserve,’ Trump outlined his dream of an America unencumbered by ‘racism, discrimination against women, or discrimination against people based on sexual orientation.’” [Huffington Post, 6/29/2011 ]
2011: Trump Said His Feelings On Same-Sex Benefits Were Not Fully Formed, But As Of This Moment, I Would Say No and No.” According to the Des Moines Register: “Asked whether he supports allowing same-sex couples to marry, Trump said no. Iowa conservatives have overwhelmingly opposed the 2009 Iowa Supreme Court decision overturning the state’s ban on gay marriage. ‘They should not be able to marry,’ he said. But asked whether gay couples should be able to access the same benefits as married couples, he said his ‘attitude on it has not been fully formed.’ Given a second to think, Trump said on marriage and civil benefits, ‘As of this moment, I would say no and no.’” [Des Moines Register,3/3/2011 ]
Trump Said, There Can Be No Discrimination Against Gays.” In an interview with the Brody File, Trump was asked about his support of civil unions. Trump responded, “Well civil unions, look. First of all, I live in New York. I know many, many gay people. Tremendous people. And to be honest with you, as far as civil unions are concerned, I haven't totally formed my opinion. But there can be no discrimination against gays. I'm against gay marriage; I took a lot of heat for that.” [CBN, The Brody File, 4/12/2011 ; VIDEO]
Trump Said Miss Universe Organization Will “Probably” Create Rule Allowing Transgender Competition Because Rules For Gender Recognition Vary In Different Countries And It Wouldn’t Be Fair To Only Accept Some Countries. According to ABC, “‘The fact is we went by the laws of the country and the laws are very clear and, based on that, about two days ago, we decided to let her compete,’ [Trump] said of his organization's decision. The winner of the Miss Universe Canada title, who will be crowned May 19 in Toronto, will go on to represent Canada in the Miss Universe Pageant later in the year. Because the international nature of the pageant means future transgender contestants would have to abide by laws in their respective countries, Trump acknowledged the organization might have to, in the future, cede to Talackova and Allred's calls for a blanket policy that would supercede all laws. ‘We'll probably have to open it up … because if it's in Canada and if it's in the United States, in terms of their laws, and if other countries don't necessarily have those laws, it wouldn't be fair just to take certain countries,’ he said.  ‘So we'll probably decide - we haven't made that decision yet - but we'll probably decide to open it up.’” [ABC News, 4/4/2012]
Trump’s Miss Universe Organization Initially Barred Transgender Woman From Competing, But Then Allowed It Based On Gender Recognition Requirements Of Canada. According to ABC, “Talackova, 23, was selected as one of 65 finalists in the 2012 Miss Universe Canada competition but was disqualified Friday because she was not a ‘naturally born female.’  The Vancouver-born Talackova was born a male but had sexual reassignment surgery at age 19. Days after the disqualification drew worldwide headlines, the Trump organization Monday said it would not attempt to keep Talackova out of the competition. ‘The Miss Universe Organization will allow Jenna Talackova to compete in the 2012 Miss Universe Canada pageant provided she meets the legal gender recognition requirements of Canada, and the standards established by other international competitions,’ Michael D. Cohen, Trump's executive vice president and special counsel, said in an email statement announcing the change. [ABC News, 4/4/2012]
Trump Said He Did Not Think Sexual Orientation Should Be A Reason” To Fire Somebody. In an interview with Chuck Todd on Meet the Press, Asked whether private companies should be able to fire employees because they’re gay, Trump said “it’s a big discussion and I guess it’s getting a lot of negative rulings right now with that whole thing, but I’m willing to go with what the Courts are saying” and that “I don’t think [sexual orientation] should be a reason, no” for letting workers go. [NBC, Meet the Press 8/16/2015; VIDEO ]
Trump Said While He Wished Kentucky Clerk Wasn’t Jailed, Supreme Court Ruled And “You Have To Go With It. The Decision’s Been Made, And That Is The Law Of The Land.” CNN reported: “Republican front-runner Donald Trump said Friday that he wished a Kentucky county clerk, Kim Davis, was not jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, but he added that the Supreme Court has ruled and it is ‘the law of the land.’ ‘You have to go with it. The decision's been made, and that is the law of the land,’ the real estate mogul said Friday on MSNBC's ‘Morning Joe.’ […] ‘I would say the simple answer is let her clerks do it,’ he said. ‘Now from what I understand she's not letting the clerks do it either. The other simple answer is rather than going through this -- because it's really a very, very sticky situation and terrible situation -- 30 miles away they have other places, they have many other places where you get licensed. And you have them actually quite nearby, that's another alternative.’” [CNN, 9/4/2015; MSNBC, Morning Joe, 9/4/2015 ; VIDEO]
Trump Said County Clerk “Was Not The Right Job” For Kim Davis Because “We Had A Ruling From The Supreme Court And We Are A Country Of Laws.” Asked by Bill O’Reilly whether he had advice for Kim Davis, Trump said: “Well, you know, she was released, and that was good. And it was too bad that she had to be put in jail. And I’m a very, very strong believer in Christianity and religion, but I will say that this was not the right job for her because we had a ruling from the Supreme Court and we are a country of laws, and you have to do what the Supreme Court ultimately — whether you like the decision or not, and it was a 5-4 decision, whether you like the decision or not, you have to go along with the Supreme Court.” [FOX, O’Reilly Factor, 9/9/2015; VIDEO; The Pulse, 9/9/2015]
Trump Said He Felt “So Strongly” About Religious Liberty He Mentioned It In Second Paragraph Of Speech….”I’m One Of You—Just Remember That.” At the Iowa Faith and Family Coalition, Breitbart reported: “[Trump] was again questioned about religious liberty and what he can do to help protect Christians from having to violate their religious beliefs due to government regulations and laws. ‘I feel so strongly in fact, it was mentioned in my second paragraph,” he said, referencing his speech. ‘Religious liberty is so important.’ ‘I’m a good fighter,’ he vowed, ‘I win a lot,’ suggesting he would win the war against Christianity. ‘I want Christmas re-used,’ Trump said of the campaign waged to remove the word ‘Christmas’ from society in order to be more politically correct. ‘Every year it gets worse and worse,’ he said. ‘We have nobody fighting for us. I’m one of you — just remember that.’” [, 9/19/2015; Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition, 9/19/2015]
Trump Said His First Priority If Elected Would Be To “Preserve And Protect Our Religious Liberty….We’re Going To Protect The First Amendment.” At the Iowa Faith and Family Coalition, Breitbart reported: “‘I will protect… because we’re not being protected,’ Trump said, referencing Christians and religious liberty. He said his first priority if elected President of the United States would be to ‘preserve and protect our religious liberty.’ ‘We’ll be fighting as part [of a] common core, and we’re going to protect totally the First Amendment,’ he vowed.” [, 9/19/2015; Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition, 9/19/2015]
Trump Tweeted Support For Religious Liberty, Stating “Obama Has Been Horrible, I Will Be Great.”Trump tweeted: “Christians need support in our country (and around the world), their religious liberty is at stake! Obama has been horrible, I will be great” [Twitter, @realDonaldTrump, 9/19/2015]
Trump Said “I’ve Never Been Opposed To [Kim Davis’s] Stand And I Think It’s Fine.” Huffington Post reported: “In an interview with me at the Values Voter Summit, the annual conference of social conservatives, business tycoon and 2016 GOP candidate Donald Trump appeared to change his position on Kentucky clerk Kim Davis and her defiant stand to refuse marriage licenses with her name on them in opposition to same-sex marriage. ‘I haven’t been opposed to her stand and I think it’s fine,’ Trump told me in an interview on SiriusXM Progress when asked about the clerk’s cause and the fact that she is being honored with the ‘Cost of Discipleship Award’ at the conservative conference, where he spoke on Thursday. ‘I’ve never been opposed to her stand.’ When asked if he thinks she should be allowed to deny marriage licenses, he replied,   ‘We’re going to see what happens right now.’” [Huffington Post, 9/27/2015; Sirius XM Progress, AUDIO]
Trump Said He Was “Concerned” About Business Owners Who Want To Refuse LGBT Customers And “There’s Going To Be A Lot Of Law Issued About It.” The Brody File reported: “While evangelicals may never see him as ‘Pastor Trump,’ they do want to see more substance, especially on issues like the rights of Christian business owners who may not want to bake a cake for a gay wedding. ‘I'm very concerned about it and there's going to be a lot of law issued about it,’ Trump said.” [CBN, The Brody File, 10/2/2015; VIDEO]
Trump Said The First Amendment And Equal Protection Clause Are In “Clear Conflict” And That Congress, Not The Courts, Have The Authority To Enforce Section 5 Of The 14th Amendment.According to the Washington Blade, “Possibly alluding to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in favor of same-sex marriage, Trump says the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment and the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment are in ‘a clear conflict.’ Referencing Section 5 of the 14th Amendment, Trump says Congress, not the courts, have the authority to enforce that provision of the U.S. Constitution. ‘The priorities that the next president will need to establish are not known at this time,’ Trump writes. ‘Protection of the nation and its citizens must come first. Getting the economy back on track must be near the top of the list. Preserving and protecting the rights of our citizens must also be in the mix.’” Washington Blade, 12/23/2015]
Trump Wrote Letter Offering Support For FADA And That He Would Sign Legislation Protecting Religious Liberty. According to the Washington Blade, Trump “offered his qualified support for the First Amendment Defense Act in a letter published last week by The Pulse, a conservative media outlet. ‘If Congress considers the First Amendment Defense Act a priority, then I will do all I can to make sure it comes to my desk for signatures and enactment,’ Trump writes. The letter was written to the American Principles Project, a social conservative group calling on 2016 candidates to sign a pledge agreeing to push for passage of the First Amendment Defense Act within 100 days of office. Six candidates — Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Marco Rubio and Rick Santorum — signed the pledge, but Trump instead for the first time signaled conditional support for the legislation in the letter. In the missive, Trump outlines his expected approach to religious freedom if he were to occupy the White House. Making the point the president cannot pass legislation, Trump says he would ‘certainly sign legislation that protects religious liberty for all.’” [Washington Blade, 12/23/2015]
Trump Is Listed By The American Principles Projects As Publicly Supportive Of FADA Though He Did Not Sign Their FADA Pledge. [American Principles Project, Accessed 1/7/2016]

Trump Said He Would Commit To Religious Liberty As An “Absolute Litmus Test, Not Just To The Supreme Court, But To All Courts.” At the Republican debate in Houston, Trump was asked by Hugh Hewitt, “Will you commit to voters tonight that religious liberty will be an absolute litmus test for anyone you appoint, not just to the Supreme Court, but to all courts?” TRUMP: “Yes, I would. And I've been there. And I've been there very strongly.” [CNN Republican Debate, Houston, TX, 2/25/2016; VIDEO]

Significant Findings on President Obama's LGBT Executive Orders
Trump Said He Would Undo President Obama’s Executive Orders On His First Day In Office.Huffington Post reported that “Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump saidWednesday he would undo President Barack Obama's executive orders on his first day in office. ‘The good thing about an executive order -- I walk in, sign, I don’t have to go through Congress,’ Trump said at a large rally in Mesa, Arizona. ‘I mean, Obama does it,’ he added, garnering cheers and applause from the audience.” [Huffington Post, 12/16/2015]

Trump Criticized Obama’s Us Of Executive Orders And Said He Would Undo Many Of Them Within Minutes Of Taking Office. The Washington Post reported that “Trump said at a town hall in South Carolina on Saturday that most people had not heard of executive action until Obama became president and began using the power to push through initiatives that Congress would not approve, including several related to immigration….. ‘And then, all of a sudden’ [Trump said], ‘I started hearing: 'Oh, well, he tried. He can't do it.' And boom. And another one, boom. And you have these executive actions. I don't even think he tries any more. I think he just signs executive actions.’ If he's elected president, Trump said that within an hour of taking the oath of office -- but possibly within two minutes -- he would undo many of Obama's executive orders, especially the immigration ones. But Trump has already promised to issue at least one executive order of his own. Trump said in New Hampshire on Thursday night that he would quickly issue an executive order that calls for the death penalty for anyone who kills a police officer.” [Washington Post,12/12/2015]

Trump Said “I Would Be Rescinding A Lot Of The Executive Orders [Obama’s] Done…The One Good About Executive Order, The New President, If He Comes In, Boom, First Day, First Hour, First Minute, You Can Rescind Them.” On Face The Nation, Trump was asked: “DICKERSON: “Let me ask you about executive orders in general. Like them, don't like them, that the president uses them to go around Congress?” TRUMP: Well, I don't like them. And our country wasn't based on executive orders. Nobody really knew that we even had an executive order, such a thing. It's supposed to be you get along with Congress, and you cajole, and you go back and forth, and everybody gets in a room and we end up with deals. And there's compromise on lots of other things, but you end up with deals. Here's a guy just goes -- he's given up on the process and he just goes and signs executive orders on everything. DICKERSON: “So, if you were president -- you seem like kind of guy if you were president you might use an executive order or two, though.” TRUMP: “Well, I will say this. There's lot of precedent, based on what he's doing. Now, some have been -- his executive order on the border, amazingly, the courts actually took that back a step and did something that was very surprising, which is, they did the right thing, so that maybe that one -- but I would be rescinding a lot of executive orders that he's done. He just -- the one good about executive order, the new president, if he comes in, boom, first day, first hour, first minute, you can rescind them.” [CBS, Face The Nation, 1/3/2016; VIDEO]

Trump Said “If I Get Elected, Many Of Those Executive Orders That [Obama] Signed, The First Day, They’re Going To Be Unsigned” But Didn’t Rule Out Using Executive Orders Himself, Just That He Would “Use Them Much Better.”  On Meet the Press, Trump said: “One of the problems I have with what Obama did is he's always signing executive orders. He doesn't bring people into his office…” Todd asked: “Are you going to refuse to do executive orders as president?” Trump responded: “I won't refuse it. I won't refuse them…..I will do a lot of right things. Well, I mean, he's led the way, to be honest with you; what he's done on immigration, when he signed those papers. Now, fortunately, the courts, all of a sudden, have done a little bit of a termination. We'll see what happens. But one of the beautiful things about executive orders (from my standpoint) is, if I get elected, many of those executive orders that he signed, the first day, they're going to be unsigned.” Todd said: “Oh, I understand that. But you're willing to use them, too, yourself?” Trump: “Oh, I'm not going to rule it out…..But I'm going to use them much better and they're going to be, and they're going to serve a much better purpose than what he's done.” [NBC, Meet the Press, 1/10/2016; VIDEO]

Trump Said “All [President Obama] Does Is Sign Executive Orders” And That He Has A “Real Problem With The Way It’s Done.” On Fox News Sunday, Trump said: “So, President Obama has been hitting the Second Amendment, and he would like to hit it very hard.  Number one, you shouldn't do it through executive order.  You should get together with the Republicans, and the Democrats, and work something out.  And, that's the way it's supposed to be done, not by the signing of an executive order.   Now, he's done executive orders, he's done it on the border, he's done it all over the place.  I mean, I don't think -- does he meet with anybody anymore?  All he does is sign executive orders. The one on the border was just overturned, and who knows what's going to happen, but it's a big legal mess.  But, you got to get the people in a room, and you got to talk to them, and cajole them, and see if we can do something. So, I have a real problem with the way it's done, and I have a real problem anytime you start knocking, and taking chunks out of the Second Amendment.” [Fox News Sunday, 1/10/2016; VIDEO]
Significant Findings on Rhetoric and Intolerance
Said Pat Buchanan’s anti-LGBT rhetoric was “disgusting.”
Launched ad hominem attacks on Ariana Huffington and Rosie O’Donnell.
Said Russian LGBT groups were “glad” he was hosting Miss Universe in Russia to challenge the status quo.
Suggested Mozilla CEO was treated unfairly after stepping down for opposing Prop 8.
Suggested that NFL fine for player who criticized Michael Sam was unfair.

Trump Thought What Pat Buchanan Said About Hitler, Jews, Blacks, Gays, And Mexicans WereDisgusting.” In an interview with The Advocate, Trump said, "I used to like Pat [Buchanan]. I was on Crossfire with him. I thought he was a nice guy. Then I read the things he had written about Hitler, Jews, blacks, gays, and Mexicans. I mean, I think it's disgusting. That speech he made at the '92 Republican convention was a disaster. He wants to divide Americans. Clearly, he has a love affair with Adolf Hitler, and that's sick. Buchanan actually said gay people had chosen "Satan[ism] and suicide." Now he says he welcomes gay people into his campaign. The guy is a hypocrite." [The Advocate, 2/15/2000 ]
Trump Said, We Have Many People In The Pageant System Who Happen To Be Gay...And They Feel Very Enthused” About Making Statement On LGBT Propaganda Law By Hosting Miss Universe In Moscow. Gaystar News reported: “And yet [Trump] wants to make a statement against Russia’s laws including a broad one of which makes it illegal to publicly support homosexuality. Trump also said: ‘We have many people in the pageant system who happen to be gay… and they actually feel very enthused about this because they feel we can make a difference as a group, and individually.’” [Gaystar News, 10/19/2013 ; MSNBC 10/18/2013]
Trump Said He Didnt Like” Russian Anti-LGBT Propaganda Laws, But That The Gay Groups Over In Moscow Are Loving The Fact That Were Going Over There” For Miss Universe Pageant.Mediaite reported: “On his show today, Roberts asked Trump if he has ‘concerns about the Russian laws [on LGBT propaganda] having a negative impact on the contest this year?’ ‘Well, I don’t like it,’ Trump said. ‘I don’t like what that is all about and, as you know, and I think you probably feel very similar to me, we can go over there and maybe make a difference.’ ‘You can avoid it, and that’s one way of handling it,’ Trump continued, “or you can go over and perhaps make a difference.”….Trump added that ‘Going in the face of some of their rules, regulations or laws is something that, frankly, we can avoid it and hide, which I don’t think is good, and I can tell you the gay groups over in Moscow are loving the fact that we’re going over there. So we can hide or we can do something about it. And I think you’re going to do something about it, and I think I’m going to do something about it.’ Trump also revealed that ‘We have invited Vladimir Putin, and I know for a fact that he wants very much to come, but we’ll have to see. We haven’t heard yet, but we have invited him.’” [Mediaite, 10/18/2013 ; MSNBC 10/18/2013]
Trump Said He Felt Sorry For Parents Of Rosie ODonnells Partner Michelle Rounds Because Rosie Was A True Loser.” The New York Daily News reported: “Donald Trump took some time off from blasting Barack Obama on Twitter to focus on a new opponent: Rosie O'Donnell. The real estate developer got into a Twitter tiff with the talk show host Wednesday, taking shots at her TV show ratings and engagement to partner Michelle Rounds. ‘I feel sorry for Rosie's new partner in love whose parents are devastate at the thought of their daughter being with @Rosie - a true loser,’ he tweeted. Rounds' parents previously told reporters they did not know their daughter was a lesbian and had hoped she would settle down with a nice boy before her relationship with the comedienne went public.” [New York Daily News, 12/14/2011 ]
Trump Accused Rosie ODonnell Of Disliking Miss USA Tara OConnor Because She Was Attracted To Her. Trump took things a step further when O’Donnell refused to back down. The fame-monger milked the feud for all it was worth, calling O’Donnell a “very, very unattractive woman,” a “slob,” and insinuating that her ire toward Miss USA was a result of unrequited love for Conner. ‘Maybe she wanted to put the crown back on Miss USA’s head. I think she’s very attracted to Miss USA so she probably wanted to put the crown on her head herself,’ Trump told Good Day L.A. ” [Daily Beast, 8/7/2015 ]
Trump Attacked Ariana Huffington By Saying She Was Unattractive And He Understood Why Her Ex-Husband Left Her For A Man — He Made A Good Decision.” Trump wrote on Twitter: ‘@ariannahuff is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man – he made a good decision.’” [Twitter, @realDonaldTrump, 8/28/2012 ]
Trump Said Brendan Eichs Firing Due To His Support Of Proposition 8 Is Really Life Shattering And Very Unfair.” According to Politico: “Former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich stepped down last week after users of its Firefox web browser and other products protested because of Eich past support for California’s anti-gay marriage Proposition 8….. [Trump responded by saying] ‘Around 2008, you had the president of the United States supporting traditional marriage, if you go back and look. And you know, I mean, maybe he should step down because of the fact,’ Trump said on ‘Fox and Friends’ Monday morning. Trump said Eich faced an unfair situation. ‘They really hit him hard. I mean he left a job to take this job and they had a campaign against him and … I think it’s really unfair,’ Trump said. ‘The president and just about everybody supported traditional marriage. … What they’ve done to this man is really life shattering and very unfair.’” [Politico, 4/14/2014 ]
Trump Said He Didnt Like” Russian Anti-LGBT Propaganda Laws, But That The Gay Groups Over In Moscow Are Loving The Fact That Were Going Over There” For Miss Universe Pageant.Mediaite reported: “On his show today, Roberts asked Trump if he has ‘concerns about the Russian laws [on LGBT propaganda] having a negative impact on the contest this year?’ ‘Well, I don’t like it,’ Trump said. ‘I don’t like what that is all about and, as you know, and I think you probably feel very similar to me, we can go over there and maybe make a difference.’ ‘You can avoid it, and that’s one way of handling it,’ Trump continued, “or you can go over and perhaps make a difference.”….Trump added that ‘Going in the face of some of their rules, regulations or laws is something that, frankly, we can avoid it and hide, which I don’t think is good, and I can tell you the gay groups over in Moscow are loving the fact that we’re going over there. So we can hide or we can do something about it. And I think you’re going to do something about it, and I think I’m going to do something about it.’ Trump also revealed that ‘We have invited Vladimir Putin, and I know for a fact that he wants very much to come, but we’ll have to see. We haven’t heard yet, but we have invited him.’” [Mediaite, 10/18/2013 ; MSNBC 10/18/2013]
Trump Said Of Michael Sam Draft Day Kiss I Dont Know — If Everyone Thinks Thats A Wonderful Thing, I Guess Thats Fine With Me. But It Looked Pretty Out There To Me.” Raw Story reported: “During his weekly Fox & Friends morning segment, Fox News host Steve Doocy asked Trump if there was a ‘double standard’ in the NFL that allowed Tim Tebow to be mocked for openly Christian displays, but praised ‘Michael Sam for being gay.’ ‘Well, I guess there must be,’ Trump agreed. ‘Because, Tim Tebow, he went through hell. They went after him like crazy.’ ‘And I didn’t really get to see much because I was leaving New York, but I was watching as he got [chosen],’ the reality TV star continued. ‘But I did see his reaction with the birthday cake or the cake. And you know, I don’t know — if everyone thinks that’s a wonderful thing, I guess that’s fine with me. But it looked pretty out there to me.’” [Raw Story, 5/12/2014 ; Fox and Friends, 5/12/2014; VIDEO]
Trump Said America Was Going To Hell” For Political Correctness Because Player Was Fined For Criticizing Michael Sam Draft Selection Kiss. Raw Story reported that during a segment on Fox and Friends, “Fox News host Elisabeth Hasselbeck wondered if fining Jones [for his reaction to Michael Sam kissing his boyfriend after he was drafted] was a ‘reasonable reaction to his reaction.’ Trump called it a ‘pretty tough reaction,’ and said that America was ‘going to hell’ because of political correctness. ‘People are afraid to talked, afraid to express their own thoughts. And you know, that’s their view,’ Trump noted. ‘I’ve heard many people who thought the display after he was chosen was inappropriate. And whether or not it was, I don’t know.’ ‘But it was certainly out there a little bit… I hope he does so well, but I thought when he, you know, when he was really going at it — I haven’t seen anything like that in a while. He was really going at it.’” [Raw Story, 5/12/2014 ; Fox and Friends, 5/12/2014; VIDEO]
Trump Referred To Caitlyn Jenner By Former Name And Pronouns And Criticized The Ratings ForI Am Cait.” In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Trump was asked: “And now we have Caitlyn Jenner and transgender politics; things have moved fast.” Trump responded: “How did that show do? Somebody said it was going badly…..I'm not surprised at the ratings. I just think it wouldn't interest you. I knew him a little bit when Bruce was a great athlete. He was one of the best-looking people you'll ever see.” [The Hollywood Reporter, 8/28/2015 ]
Significant Findings on Anti-Bullying and Hate Crimes and Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
Said he was not bothered by the prospect of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” being repealed.
Said the murder of Matthew Shepard was a “hideous crime” and hoped that a hate crimes bill would be passed.

1999: Trump Said Same-Sex Military Service Would Not Disturb MeHey, Ive Lived In New York City And Manhattan All My Life, OK?” Asked how he felt about LGBT people serving in the military on Meet the Press, Trump said, “It would not disturb me. Again, I'd want to talk to lots of experts within the military. But it's not something that would disturb me. I mean, hey, I lived in New York City and Manhattan all my life, OK? So, you know, my views are a little bit different than if I lived in Iowa, perhaps. But it's not something that would disturb me.” [Meet the Press, 10/24/1999; VIDEO]
Trump Said The Matthew Shepard Murder Turned My Stomach” And That It Was A Hideous Crime.” Asked by The Advocate about the Matthew Shepard murder, Trump said, “It turned my stomach. I have a son who is about the same age as Matthew Shepard and is a student at Wharton. The idea somebody would beat a young man to death just because he is different is almost hard to fathom. I hope that the boy’s death is not in vain and that the public revulsion about this case can be harnessed in a way that prevents this kind of hideous crime from happening again.” [The Advocate, 2/15/2000 ]
Trump Called For A More Tolerant Society After Murders Of Matthew Shepard And James Byrd In Texas. In an interview with The Advocate, Trump said, “I also want to see a greater atmosphere of tolerance. The dragging death of James Byrd in Texas or the murder of Matthew Shepard in Wyoming is a national disgrace. We must have a more tolerant society.” [The Advocate, 2/15/2000 ]
Trump Said He Would Absolutely” Support Hate Crimes Legislation And One Of His Greatest Disappointments With George W. Bush Was His Failure To Push For A Bill. Asked if Trump would support hate crimes legislation, Trump said: “Absolutely. This is one of my great disappointments with George W. Bush. He had the opportunity in Texas to show national leadership by passing a hate-crimes bill but didn’t—presumably from pressure from the Christian right. When somebody is victimized because of their ethnicity, the color of their skin, or their sexual orientation, that must carry a harsh penalty.” [The Advocate, 2/15/2000 ]
Trump Referred To Caitlyn Jenner By Former Name And Pronouns And Criticized The Ratings For “I Am Cait.” In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Trump was asked: “And now we have Caitlyn Jenner and transgender politics; things have moved fast.” Trump responded: “How did that show do? Somebody said it was going badly…..I'm not surprised at the ratings. I just think it wouldn't interest you. I knew him a little bit when Bruce was a great athlete. He was one of the best-looking people you'll ever see.” [The Hollywood Reporter, 8/28/2015]
Asked If He Was Homophobic, Trump Said “No, I Think That I’m A Very Nice Person. I Love People.” CNN's Don Lemon interviewed presidential hopeful Donald Trump on Wednesday, and pointedly asked the candidate if he thinks he is homophobic and racist. ‘If I ask you this question, will you answer directly?’ Lemon prefaced his question. ‘Do you think that you are homophobic?’ ‘No,’ Trump responded. ‘I think that I'm a very nice person. I love people.’” [Huffington Post, 10/1/2015; CNN, 9/30/2015; VIDEO]

Trump Criticized Rubio Donor Paul Singer, Saying “When You See See Where He’s Coming From, I Think People Are Going To Say ‘Whoa, We Didn’t Know That.’” According to the Washington Blade, “Trump, who also knocked Jeb Bush for his bungled attempt at using Rubio’s voting record against him in the Republican debate, also made a veiled criticism of GOP donor Paul Singer, who endorsed Rubio over the weekend. ‘If you look at Mr. Singer, you have to see where he’s coming from,’ Trump said. ‘When you see where he’s coming from, I think people are going to say, ‘Whoa, we didn’t know that.'’ Singer is a prominent Republican hedge-fund manager who supported Mitt Romney in 2012. His support is considered a major win for Rubio. But the philanthropist, whose son is gay, also supports LGBT rights…..In addition to his support for LGBT rights, Singer has supported a version of comprehensive immigration reform that would lead to a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Opposition to undocumented immigrants is the most unifying issue in the Republican presidential primary. Never in his remarks did Trump explicitly say why Republicans would be unhappy with Singer. The Trump campaign didn’t immediately respond to the Washington Blade’s request to clarify if where Singer is ‘coming from’ is a reference to his support for LGBT rights. The American Unity Fund also didn’t respond to a request to comment on Trump’s remarks.” [Washington Blade, 11/3/2015]
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