Michael Sam

Missouri must stop anti-gay law

Michael Sam
I’m a Missouri athlete, through and through. I played defensive end with Mizzou, I became the first openly gay NFL player with the St. Louis Rams, and I spent years playing with all my heart and soul for this amazing state. I consider it a home. It’s where I learned some of my first lessons about hard work, fairness and inclusion. But today, I’m deeply concerned for its future.
Missouri lawmakers are dangerously close to passing an extremely harmful bill (SJR 39) that would make it easier than ever to discriminate against gay Missourians and their families. This so-called “religious liberty” bill is just another way to undermine the dignity of LGBT people and their families.
As an athlete who grew up in a Christian home, two things were always made clear to me: First, treat every person, every team, every competitor with respect. Second, everyone should have an equal shot and start on an equal playing field. What Missouri lawmakers are attempting to do, however, is push an anti-LGBT resolution that ensures LGBT people start at a loss. For example, SJR 39 would amend our state’s constitution to allow businesses to legally refuse to provide service to same-sex couples. It would allow certain day care facilities and after-school programs, even if they are state-funded, to turn away children of same-sex couples. This resolution would also allow hospitals to refuse to treat LGBT patients, taking away patient rights.
SJR 39 is the opposite of respect, and it’s the opposite of equality. It does not reflect the Missouri I know.
Similar anti-gay measures have been creeping into legislatures across the country — Indiana, Georgia, North Carolina — and everyone from businesses to voters to sports leaders have made one thing clear: Discrimination will not be tolerated in their states. Now I’m calling on everyone in Missouri, from business leaders to sports clubs, to echo that sentiment, to stand up and say: Not in our state.
SJR 39 flies in the face of the values of sport and of fair-minded Missourians. In this great state, we all should be treated fairly and equally. Gay or straight, we all should be able to feel welcome and safe, whether we’re at home, at work, at a football game, out to dinner with our families, or, yes, even planning a wedding.
Everyone deserves a fair shot, on the field of play and under the law. That’s why Missouri lawmakers must stop SRJ 39 and never look back.
Former University of Missouri Tigers football player Michael Sam was the first openly gay player to be drafted into the National Football League.

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