TRUMPLER has destroyed what was once a respected position.

TRUMPLER has destroyed what was once a respected position.

The assumption that the President of the United States was ethical and fair, honest and true and cared about its people is sadly (SAD!) very over. In it’s place is a fat, stupid, arrogant, bloated narcissist racist who only cares about his applause and wind free venues so he can bloat and gloat about his achievements which really only exists in his own crazy warped viagra what’s left of his seventy year old brain. His nightly/early AM twitter rants (more out of his need to frequently urinate) and his yo yo fat food diet have taken their toll on his fat and obese body. 
As he mentally spirals out of control and tweets every thought in his insane mind the country spins on it’s axis wondering what will set this freak show off next? Who will TRUMPLER feel slighted against tomorrow? The media? His own family? His underwear? His small hands and feeble mind? His golf club? 
His fellow racist and disgruntled fat appointed millionaires who’d rather dance around the fire of a crazy orange dictator then really do something to help the people who elected this joke in the first place. The really sad thing here is the clean up that will have to happen after this FAKE NEWS/ALT RIGHT lying piece of (doggie droppings) leaves office. 
The damage this moron has done will take decades to correct. The damage to our allies and the nations who didn’t trust us to begin with will take longer than you and I will draw breath. He really is the fool of fools. He is NOT anything he boasts about, clearly. He is no genius. He is not even a self made millionaire. His Daddy paid for his life and his business and helped bail him out over and over again.

Donald couldn’t even keep any of his marriages together and he certainly couldn’t commit to them. This serial cheater is a lying draft dodging loser. A real LOSER who is taking the office of President and flushing it so fast and hard down the toilet it’s breaking the pipes. God save us all from the tyranny of this vapid idiot. Art of the deal? He didn’t even write it. 
Trump University; A defunct and fake university (which never was a university) that defrauded and ripped off thousands of people. Go grab your pussy and turn off your lights: Trumplers end is coming and it is truly going to be HUGE!


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